Connected Worlds

Theme - Idea was that you're running a smart home that connects all of your worlds together: Entertainment, Work, Social Life, etc.
This is running under the OPifex Engine, still under development, could be buggy.
It was tested under Windows 8.1 with an Intel card. If you have a problem running it, please send me a screenshot of the console output and I'll see if I can fix it.
Or run it from command prompt: Application.exe > log.txt
And then send me the log.txt file at [email protected]
Enter - Go Through Menus
Space - Move through time faster
Left Mouse Click - Click on objects
Kitchen - Character doesn't eat :/
Restaurant - No social life..
Additional People - Wanted to add kids, wife, co-workers, etc.
Security System
Additional Controls - Air Conditioning, Phone Calls, etc.